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孔露露,女,1986年生,理学博士,副教授,2015年毕业于南开大学环境科学与工程学院。长期从事环境污染物迁移转化、风险评估及修复治理的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(42207267)、河北省自然科学基金项目两项(D2017106007,D2021106004)、河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目(BJ2019207)和河北省“三三三人才工程”资助项目(C20231054),参与了国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863重大项目课题及多项省部级课题。在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》《Water Research》《Applied Soil Ecology》和《环境科学学报》等国内外重要学术期刊发表相关文章20余篇,包括SCI论文11篇,其中发表于《Journal of Hazardous Materials》的论文入选ESI 1%高被引论文。2019年度,获评河北省“三三三人才工程”第三层次人选。






(3)河北省自然科学基金面上项目,项目号:D2021206004, 2022.01-2024.12,主持







[1] Kong L, Shan Q, Lai Y, et al. Oil contamination drives the transformation of microbial communities and metabolic pathways involved in Phosphorous-cycling in coastal soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2024, 24: 2638-2651.

[2] Kong, L., Xu, T., Wang, Z., et al. Metagenomic analysis of petroleum biodegradation coupled to specific N-cycling process in oil-contaminated soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 2024, 193: 105144.

[3] Kong L, Zhang X, Wang X, et al. Effect of temperature on PTEs deportment and ecological risks of the biochars obtained from sewage sludge [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(10): 14733-14742.

[4] Liu C, Zhang M, Gao H, Kong L, et al. Cyclic coupling of photocatalysis and adsorption for completely safe removal of N-nitrosamines in water [J]. Water Research, 2022, 209: 117904.

[5] Kong L, Song B, Zhang T, et al. Effects of soil organic matter on biochar application in developing the biodegradation potentials of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) [J]. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 167: 104046.

[6] Kong L, Liu J, Han Q, et al. Integrating metabolomics and physiological analysis to investigate the toxicological mechanisms of sewage sludge-derived biochars to wheat [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 185: 109664.

[7] Kong L, Liu J, Zhou Q, et al. Sewage sludge derived biochars provoke negative effects on wheat growth related to the PTEs [J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 152: 107386.

[8] Kong L, Gao Y, Zhou Q, et al. Biochar accelerates PAHs biodegradation in petroleum-polluted soil by biostimulation strategy [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 343: 276-284.

[9] 孔露露, 王新友, 古明旭, 等. 生物炭强化石油烃生物降解的影响因素分析 [J]. 环境科学与技术, 2021,44(3): 8-15.

[10] 孔露露, 史明静, 梁晶晶, 等. 大港油田土壤中PAHs的组成特征及来源分析 [J]. 环境科学与技术, 2018, 41(5): 159-165.

[11] 孔露露, 周启星. 生物炭输入土壤对其石油烃微生物降解力的影响 [J]. 环境科学学报, 2016, 36(11): 4199-4207.





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