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1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上基金项目,42372347,东北龙岗单成因火山温室气体的释放规模与成因,2024-01至2027-12,53万元,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,41902312,天池火山口湖温室气体释放的规模与成因,2020-01至2022-12,21万元,结题,主持;

3. 河北省自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,D2020403050,青藏高原火山-地热区有害元素汞的释放规模与成因,2020-01至2023-12,10万元,结题,主持;

4. 中国地震局地震预测研究所高压物理与地震科技联合实验室,实验室开放基金,2022HPPES03,单成因火山区CO2释放特征与成因,2023-01至2024-12,9万元,在研,主持。


1. Sun, Y., Guo, Z., Fortin, D., Zhao, W., Cheng, Z., Li, J., Zhang, Y., 2023. Diffuse emission of CO2 from the Langjiu Geothermal Field, Western Tibet. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 249, 107219.

2. Sun, Y., Zhou, X., He, M., Yan, Y., Tian, J., Li, J., Dong, J., Zhang, Y., 2023. Geochemical characteristics and water quality assessment of trace elements in geothermal springs in the Gulu-Yadong rift, Tibetan Plateau. Geothermics. 111, 102720.

3. Sun, Y., Guo, Z., Zhao, W., Li, J., Ma, L., Zhou, X., Sun, F., 2023. Geochemical characteristics and water quality assessment in the Mt. Changbai volcanic field, northeastern China. Applied Geochemistry. 150, 105583.

4. Sun, Y., Guo, Z., Fortin, D., 2021. Carbon dioxide emission from monogenetic volcanoes in the Mt. Changbai volcanic field, NE China. International Geological Review. 63(14), 1803-1820.

5. Sun, Y., Zhou, X., Yan, Y., Li, J., Fang, W., Wang, W., Liu, Y., 2021. Soil degassing from the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault system at the eastern boundary of the Chuan–Dian rhombic block, southwest China. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9, 635178.

6. Sun, Y., Guo, Z., Du, J., Zhao, W., 2020. Diffuse emission and transport of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) in the Mapamyum geothermal system, Western Tibet (China). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 397, 106825.

7. Sun, Y., Zhou, X., Du, J., Guo, Z., 2020. CO diffusive emission in the co-seismic rupture zone of the Wenchuan MS 8.0 earthquake. Geochemical Journal. 54, 91-104.

8. Sun, Y., Guo, Z., Du, J., Liu, J., 2018. CO2 diffuse emission from maar lake: An example in Changbai volcanic field, NE China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 349, 146-162.

9. Sun, Y., Zhou, X., Zheng, G., Li, J., Shi, H., Guo, Z., Du, J., 2017. Carbon monoxide degassing from seismic fault zones in the Basin and Range province, west of Beijing, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 149, 41-48.

10. 孙玉涛, 张悦, 郭正府, 赵文斌, 李菊景, 马琳, 2023. 火山口湖温室气体释放规模研究. 第四纪研究. 43(2), 473-484.

11. 孙玉涛, 郭正府, 成智慧, 张茂亮, 张丽红, 2017. 2002 ~ 2005 年长白山火山气体的释放特征与地球化学异常研究——多源高光谱遥感证据. 岩石学报. 33(1), 221-230.

12. 孙玉涛, 崔月菊, 刘永梅, 杜建国, 张炜斌, 张冠亚, 2014. 苏门答腊 2004、2005年两次大地震前后CO和O3遥感信息. 遥感信息. 29(2), 47-53.

13. 孙玉涛, 崔月菊, 刘永梅, 杜建国, 张炜斌, 张冠亚, 2014. 苏门答腊两次 M > 8.0 地震前后CO和O3气体地球化学异常与地面验证. 地震研究. 37(2), 222-227.




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